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Register online or download the registration form and return it to TDS (may be mailed to 110 South Main, Romeo, Michigan 48065). All students must download both the emergency and tuition policy forms and bring completed to their first class. Online registers please note that your credit card will be charged once your registration is reviewed, typically within 24 hours.

*Registration for wellness and adult recreational classes are handled by the instructors. Please contact them directly to register. See wellness classes for more information.

2024 Tuition

All classes are charged on a monthly basis, including private music lessons. Cancellations for private lessons will be credited, but absences in full classes will not.

Dance & Multi-Student Classes

30-minute Class: $35/month

45-minute Class: $50/month

60-minute Class: $65/month

75-minute Class: $85/month

90-minute Class: $95/month

Discounts on Dance & Multi Student Classes

$275.00 cap on monthly dance tuition per student or $450 per family

Register for 4 or more classes and receive a 5% discount

3rd dancer in the same family dances FREE

Boy dance with a 50% DISCOUNT.

Private Music Lessons Schedule of Fees

Private music lessons are 30 minutes and take place weekly. Lessons are $23 per 30-minute lesson. Siblings or multiple students of the same family receive a discounted rate of $22 per 30-minute lesson. One-hour lessons are $44 per hour.


Monthly tuition for 3 lessons: $69 ($66 per discounted student, $132 for 1 hour student)

Monthly tuition for 4 lessons: $92 ($88 per discounted student, $176 for 1 hour student)

Monthly tuition for 5 lessons: $115 ($110 per discounted student, $220 for 1 hour student)

Discounts on Private Music Lessons

Multiple private music students of the same family pay $22 per lesson, not $23. One-hour students are $44 per lesson.

Wellness Classes

Wellness and adult recreational classes are priced by the instructors. Payments are made directly to them. See wellness classes for more information.

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